The LIFE Programme is the only financial instrument of the European Union dedicated exclusively to the environment and climate action. Since 1992, more than 900 LIFE projects have been approved in Spain (5,400 in the EU as a whole), with a total budget of 1,555 million euros and an EU contribution of 781 million euros (9,000 million in the EU as a whole, with a total EU contribution of more than 6,500 million euros). Today, we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of this important programme for the preservation of the environment.
LIFE Costadapta is a project funded by the LIFE programme, which aims to adapt coasts to rising seas. This is a very important objective considering that climate change is causing many coasts to deteriorate due to strong waves and rising seas. Thanks to LIFE funding, the project will be able to design and test an innovative system of proximity reefs that partially use the traditional technique of building ‘tidal pool-reefs’ common in the Canary Islands and the rest of Macaronesia.
With a duration of 7 years and a total budget of 3,409,864 EUR (2,045,818 EUR subsidised by the EU through the LIFE Programme), COSTAdapta is a project coordinated by the Gran Canaria Island Energy Council (CIEGC) of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria with the support of 7 partners: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC); University of Cantabria (UC); INGECID, Research and Project Development; Raley Estudios Costeros S. C.P.; ECOncrete AQUA; Fundación Canaria para el Reciclaje y Desarrollo Sostenible (FCR) and Fundación Finnova.
Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more years of innovative achievements and environmental stewardship with the LIFE Programme.