
Three ways in which LIFE COSTAdapta will contribute to strengthening coastal geodiversity

Brussels, October 6, 2023. On International Geodiversity Day, from LIFE COSTAdapta, we share three ways in which our European project, specifically designed to address the challenges associated with climate change and adapt the coastlines of Gran Canaria to its effects, can promote the strengthening of coastal geodiversity with its innovative method of Tidal pool-reefs.

Coastal habitats benefit from the innovative system of LIFE COSTAdapta

The sustainable solution of LIFE COSTAdapta will contribute to coastal resilience against climate change by creating Tidal pool-reefs with the potential to provide shelter and food for various marine species, thus strengthening coastal geodiversity. But that’s not all; this European project aims to introduce a multi-channel methodology that, collectively, will support the ecological transition of the area in various ways:

  1. Mitigating coastal erosion

Tidal pool-reefs will help mitigate coastal erosion by calming the force of waves and currents. This will protect the coastline and the health of nearby natural habitats, enhancing the resilience of coastal geodiversity against the effects of climate change and human activity.

  • Promoting ecotourism

These artificial structures will offer a unique coastal environment, attracting visitors interested in the characteristic biodiversity of these areas. Moreover, it aims to position itself as an effective tool for engaging the local community and visitors in awareness and conservation activities, thereby adding value to social awareness regarding local sustainability and environmental care.

  • Encouraging innovation and research

As a project within the European LIFE program, one of the main priorities of the consortium comprising 8 partners will be to establish synergies and collaborations to ensure the continuity and possible transfer of this approach for the benefit of other coastal regions facing similar challenges. This consortium, supported by experts and allied with public-private initiatives, will promote research and innovation with the constant aim of improving this approach.

About LIFE COSTAdapta

LIFE COSTAdapta project aims to address the adaptation of the coast of Gran Canaria to sea-level rise through an innovative methodology. To achieve this, a progressive system of Tidal pool-reefs will be designed and tested, combining traditional tidal pool construction techniques with advanced solutions.

This will contribute to the gradual adaptation of the Gran Canaria coast to climate change, which is crucial given the high vulnerability of the Canary Islands to climate impacts, including sea-level rise. In addition to strengthening the resilience of coastal areas, LIFE COSTAdapta seeks to preserve the characteristic habitats of these areas and protect the local tourist economy. The project will ensure economic sustainability by providing solutions against flooding and maintaining the region’s tourist appeal, which in turn will favor coastal stability.

The project, with a duration of 7 years and a total budget of 3,409,864 EUR (2,045,818 EUR subsidized by the European Union through the LIFE Program), is coordinated by Consejo Insular de Energía de Gran Canaria (CIEGC) by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, with the support of its seven partners.

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