- Coastal protection and climate adaptation for the Canary Islands are the key objectives of the project
The University of Cantabria (UC) presented last Friday, October 25, the progress and objectives of the LIFE COSTAdapta project at the event “Urbanism as a tool for climate action and ecological transition”. The conference, organised in collaboration with the Gran Canaria Island Energy Council (CIEGC), Finnova and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), underlined the role of urban planning as a driver of climate resilience in coastal areas.
During the event, Francisco José García (UC) highlighted the value of LIFE COSTAdapta to address one of the greatest challenges for the region, the rise in sea level. For her part, Patricia Caro, head of the ULPGC, explained how the project’s actions are aligned with the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, an essential strategy for the Canary Islands. The intervention of Alexis Lozano, representing the CIEGC, highlighted the long-term impact of LIFE COSTAdapta on the stability and sustainability of the Canary coasts.
About LIFE COSTAdapta
The LIFE COSTAdapta project, coordinated by the Island Energy Council of Gran Canaria (CIEGC) and with a duration of seven years, has a budget of €3,409,864 (60% co-financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Union). Its goal is to develop an innovative tidal puddle reef methodology that combines traditional and modern techniques to strengthen coastal protection and conserve both the natural environment and the tourism economy.
LIFE COSTAdapta is supported by a consortium of strategic partners, including: the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), the University of Cantabria (UC), INGECID, Research and Project Development, Raley Estudios Costeros S.C.P., ECOncrete AQUA, Fundación Canaria para el Reciclaje y Desarrollo Sostenible (FCR), and the Finnova Foundation.
For more information about the event, see the link to the conference.